Community care of older people

Beales, D

Community care of older people - Radcliffe Med, 1998 - 206p

5 - Prescribing and the older patient in the community. 7 - Anticipatory care of older people in the community. The practical organization of screening and socio-medical assessment in old age. 13 - Special services for older people. 14 - Law and the older patient. 15 - Medical ethics in community care. 16 - Older people in ethnic minority groups. 18 - The carer's perspective. APPENDIX 1 - The Bicester system of screening for the elderly. APPENDIX 2 - McIntosh over 75s assessment questionnaire - data store. APPENDIX 3 - Phoenix Surgery Anciticipatory Care Model for people over the age of 75 years in Cirencester.


Community care
Health services for the aged
Community health services

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