Mouth care protocols for patients receiving chemotherapy or undergoing radiotherapy to their oral cavity

Kinley, J

Mouth care protocols for patients receiving chemotherapy or undergoing radiotherapy to their oral cavity - Thesis (BSc Hons)-Manchester University, 2000

Student ID No. 9600108

Abstract ; Introduction ; What constitutes a healthy mouth ; Examination of recommended oral care regimes ; Methodology : overall plan ; Nurses as patient educators in oral care ; Why use a protocol? ; Leaflet design ; Implementing and evaluating the protocol leaflets ; Considerations for implementation ; Considerations for evaluation ; Constraints of the dissertation ; Reflections on the development of the clinical tool ; Interpretation of applicability and usefulness of the tool ; Implications for nursing practice ; Summary ; Tables ; Appendices ; References

A literature review was conducted and six patient protocol leaflets were developed. Designing protocols for patients to facilitate their own oral hygiene was identified as the ideal clinical tool for achieving this dissertations aim.

Theses, Nursing
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