Clinical psychology and people with intellectual disabilities

Emerson, E

Clinical psychology and people with intellectual disabilities - 2nd - Chichester John Wiley & Sons 2012

This book provides clinical psychologists with the most up-to-date information and practical clinical skills for working with people with intellectual disabilities. It covers: intellectual disabilities-classification, epidemiology and causes; service provision; social context; cognitive assessment; common legal issues in clinical practice; interviewing people with intellectual disabilities; working with people - direct interventions; working with families; working with; reflections on 25 years working in the NHS; working with people whose behaviour challenges services; working with offenders or alleged offenders with intellectual disabilities; sexual exploitation of people with intellectual disabilities; working with parents who happen to have intellectual disabilities; people with intellectual disabilities and mental ill-health; working with people with autism; older adults with intellectual disabilities-issues in ageing and dementia.

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