Agency, bank and overtime spending in maternity units in England 2015

Agency, bank and overtime spending in maternity units in England 2015 - London Royal College of Midwives 2016

E-books 19 p.

In January 2016 the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) sent a freedom of informationrequest (FOI) to all the NHS trusts in England that have maternity units to ask them howmuch they have spent on agency and bank staff and overtime for every month in 2015.The FOI also asked about the numbers of hours of staff time this equated to. This reportfollows on from the RCM’s report on agency spending in maternity units between 2012-2014 which was published in February 2015. 123 trusts responded to the FOI giving aresponse rate of 91.1%.
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