Treatment of PTSD and traumatic brain injury among veterans

Treatment of PTSD and traumatic brain injury among veterans [E-Book] - 1 online resource. - Military and veteran issues Neurology--laboratory and clinical research developments . - Military and veteran issues. Neurology--laboratory and clinical research development series. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

TREATMENT OF PTSD AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AMONG VETERANS ; TREATMENT OF PTSD AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AMONG VETERANS ; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 THE VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION'S TREATMENT OF PTSD AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AMONG RECENT COMBAT VETERANS* ; NOTES ; PREFACE ; SUMMARY; INTRODUCTION; CLINICAL CARE WITHIN VHA ; VHA's Services for PTSD ; VHA's Services for TBI ; Concurrent Diagnoses of PTSD and TBI ; Polytrauma ; COOPERATION BETWEEN VHA AND DOD ; CBO'S ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO VHA DATA ; OCCURRENCE AND PREVALENCE OF PTSD AND TBI ; USE OF VHA'S SERVICES. Number of Patients Using VHA's Services Frequency of Use ; Inpatient Care; Outpatient Care; Pharmacy Services ; COSTS OF VHA'S SERVICES; Costs of All Health Care ; Total Costs ; Average Costs ; Costs of PTSD- and TBI-Specific Care ; Total Costs; Average Costs ; Other Studies of the Costs of Treating PTSD and TBI ; POLYTRAUMA PATIENTS ; APPENDIX A: BACKGROUND ON PTSD AND TBI ; Criteria for a PTSD Diagnosis ; Course of PTSD ; Clinical Definition of TBI ; Course of TBI ; APPENDIX B: DATA AND METHODS ; APPENDIX C: INTERPRETING PUBLISHED ESTIMATES OF THE PREVALENCE OF PTSD AND TBI. PTSD Prevalence among Current Service Members Who Deployed to Overseas Contingency Operations and Veterans of Those Operations Issues in Reporting PTSD Prevalence Rates ; Screening Tools to Estimate PTSD Prevalence Rates ; Subsamples of the OCO Population ; TBI Prevalence among Current Service Members Who Deployed to Overseas Contingency Operations and Veterans of Those Operations ; Issues in Reporting TBI Prevalence Rates ; Diagnosis Codes to Estimate TBI Prevalence Rates ; Screening Tools to Estimate TBI Prevalence Rates ; Sample Selection ; Extent of Impairment. APPENDIX D: VHA'S AVERAGE ANNUAL COSTS FOR OCO VETERANS WHO CONTINUE TO SEEK CARE End Notes ; End Notes for Appendix A ; End Notes for Appendix B ; End Notes for Appendix C ; Chapter 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: USE OF NEUROCOGNITIVE ASSESSMENT TOOLS IN POST-DEPLOYMENT IDENTIFICATION OF MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY* ; RESULTS IN BRIEF ; DOD POLICY DOES NOT REQUIRE SCREENING ALL SERVICEMEMBERS WITH A NEUROCOGNITIVE ASSESSMENT TOOL POST-DEPLOYMENT ; REPORTS AND SCIENTIFIC STUDIES INFORMED DOD'S POLICY ; MTBI EXPERTS TOLD US THE SCIENCE SUPPORTS DOD'S POLICY ; AGENCY COMMENTS ; End Notes. Chapter 3 MANAGEMENT OF CONCUSSION/MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY* QUALIFYING STATEMENTS ; INTRODUCTION ; Background ; Scope of Guideline ; Development Process ; Implementation ; Future Research ; Goals of This Guideline ; Document Presentation ; Conventions Used in This Guideline ; GUIDELINE KEY POINTS ; General ; Natural Course of Disease ; Return to Work /Duty Activity ; Early intervention ; Symptom Management ; ALGORITHMS ; A: INITIAL PRESENTATION ; 1. Definitions/Classifications ; 1.1. Definition of Traumatic Brain Injury ; 1.2. Severity of Brain Injury Stratification.

9781620817087 162081708X


Post-traumatic stress disorder--Treatment--United States.
Soldiers--Psychology.--United States
Veterans--Psychology.--United States
Soldiers--Mental health--United States.
Veterans--Mental health--United States.
War neuroses--Prevention.

United States.
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