
ClinicalSkills [Online resource]

ClinicalSkills is only available to NELFT staff

• More than 250 guidelines on clinical skills procedures, all in highly illustrated step-by-step format

• Written by specialist authors and editors

• Stays very up to date through a rolling programme of review and updating

• Incredibly quick and easy to use

• Evidence-based (where evidence exists)

• Double-blind peer reviewed

• Full of links to references and national guidance

• Ideal to help staff with CPD and to support revalidation

• You can add your own notes to the content, to alert users to local policies

• Your users can add their own notes to procedures within their personal account, to aid their personal study or record their reflections

• You can upload your own local policies, so that staff have a single go-to area when they want to check their practice

• You can subscribe to our optional online assessments, including medicines calculations tests

• You can create your own tests and set them for your users with our optional learning management system

• If you've got a paper test you like to use, you can convert it to an online test and let the system mark it for you

• The format facilitates study for those whose first language is not English and those returning to work after a break.

• Single sign-on to your own VLE is possible

• Detailed information about how staff or students use is available

--Taken from publisher's website

Clinical skills
Skills training
Continuing professional development
Step-by-step guides
London Health Libraries Koha Consortium privacy notice