The outward mindset : seeing beyond ourselves : how to change lives & transform organizations

The outward mindset : seeing beyond ourselves : how to change lives & transform organizations - Oakland, California : Berrett-Koehler, 2016 - x, 174p.

Cover note: "By the authors of the international bestseller Leadership and Self-Deception".

The Arbinger Institute has helped millions with their books Leadership and Self Deception and the Anatomy of Peace. Their latest book offers a new and intuitive way to teach these same principles - through the medium of mindset.

Your mindset governs how you view the world, what you do, and how you do it. Many of us operate from an inward mindset, a single-minded focus on our own goals and objectives. This mindset is blind to what others need and so is prone to creating tension and conflict. But incredible things happen when individuals and organizations switch to the outward mindset. They intuitively understand what those around them - coworkers, colleagues, family, friends - need to be successful and happy. And, astonishingly, people who switch to this mindset become happier and more successful themselves! It brings about deep and far-reaching changes.

This book presents compelling true stories to illustrate the gaps that individuals and organizations typically have between their actual inward mindsets and their needed outward mindsets. And it provides simple yet profound guidance and tools to help any individual, group, and organization bridge this mindset gap and achieve breakthrough results in work, relationships, and organizational performance.


Industrial psychology
Organisational behaviour
Change management

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